Travel launch date december 1, 2022.

The world is filled with so much adventure but also a lot of uncertainty. Traveling is an urge, a pull, a connection, a feeling, and or a desire. Explore the world with us. We choose from a variety of travel destinations throughout the year. Exploring all that each destination has to offer. Travel with us or create your own experience. Live life and tell your story from your perspective of course. While traveling as soon as I land. I take a deep breath of the aroma of that country. My spirit settles while I enjoy the atmosphere. Although my body urges me to rest my desire to explore takes over. The adventure bug kicks in. Every experience of traveling excites me. I enjoy the first interaction with people, the ride from the airport and then the drive to my accommodations. Whether you’ll be staying in a hotel, private residence, visiting a friend, or a family member. We all have different preferences regarding what we want our travel accommodations to provide. For some of us it is an intimate connection to nature or relaxation and rejuvenation. The choice is and should always be yours. Traveling is often overlooked because we’re so busy with our daily lives. If life circumstances do not require us to travel, some of us may never do so. I hope that someday you explore the planet with us. So will you join us on our travel destination. Our destination will be announced December 1.2022. Are you ready? The countdown begins.


Travel Destination Kenya